A very productive and satisfying day. It began with the invocation to the almighty rendered in Sanskrit by a student. Interestingly, 4 groups of students in Swimming, Vocal music, Commerce Fest and Model United Nation(MUN) went out of the school. Another group of students from 25 schools were warmly received by us who came to a classical music meet in our school.
A day in the life of a school head is simply amazing. A seven years old girl taking part in swimming surprised me by her repartee. When asked, "did your dad swim at the age 7", she said yes. Asked further, how do you know it, my grandfather told me, pat came to the reply!!
Students taking part in various meets with enthusiasm, energy and happiness makes me proud. Are we promoting competition as against fostering excellence? It has both sides to it. By working hard, setting new benchmarks you do progress towards excellence. Competition for the sake of winning is not desirable. Learning from others, celebrating the success of others, getting inspiration are positive reinforcers. In the bargain one also learners how to cope up with losing in life.