Research Paper
Overcoming Intergenerational Divides to Build Better Workplaces, The RSA, Good Work Guild, September 2022. Co-authored.
Contribution - Book Chapter
Transforming Education to Future Proof Societies, a paper published in the book "Sustainability Education for a Better World"
by Cambridge Scholar Publications, Jan 2022.
Details of events organized in personal capacity as National Coordinator, Climate Reality.
Event Date : July 17, 2021
Host: Dr Ashok Pandey
Event Name :TED Circle: Agree to Disagree
Event Attendance : 60
Event Type : Educational Event
Brief Summary : The participants were enlightened by the beautiful ideas that were presented at Ted Talk by Julia Dhar's. Students, teachers, educators, family, friends and colleagues discussed the topic and some BIG IDEAS from the TED Circle are;
1. Stop talking and start listening, stop dismissing and start persuading, to stop shutting down and start opening our Minds.
2. Not to be compromised with mutual respect. One should not fear disagreement.
3. Identity establishment is not the part of conversation.
4. We should not be suspicious that people will not listen to you.
5. When we are in idea generation, winning should not be the motive.
6. Accept disagreements in a very constructive/productive way.
7. Listen with empathy. Embrace the discomfort of mind change.
8. We should raise the level of conversation, not the voice.
9. Create an enabling environment where conversations can flourish.
10. UN's SDG 16 encourages that we should respect disagreement, accept diversity, only then will we achieve Peace, Justice and Strong institutions.
11. Conversations, dialogues must be encouraged right from the early years.
12. There is always learning in any conversational situation.
13. Organisations must cultivate a culture of dialogue and open discussions.
14. Julia Dhar's TED video was very impactful and a great trigger for the discussions.
Event Date : May 8, 2021
Host: Dr Ashok Pandey
Event Name :TED Circle: The Power of Nature
Event Attendance : 80
Event Type : Educational Event
Brief Summary : Nature is part of our life. We grew out of the seed, the earth, and we are part of all that, but we are rapidly losing the sense that we belong to the mother earth. Let’s be in communion with nature, be a part of it, be aware of our roots.
People from across the globe, students, teachers, climate activists, members of civil society delved into the depth of the need of the hour. It was a delight to host TED Circles, an open community of small groups that discuss big ideas. The theme was 'The Power of Nature' as May symbolizes growth, renewal, and blossom.
The program commenced with the invocation to the Lord to dispel the darkness of ignorance. Also, praying for the dawn of self-realization and wisdom to live in harmony with nature and other life forms. There is a need to reflect on our responsibilities and to take actions to protect the environment. To bring awareness among all, terms and words related to Climate Reality must be translated to local situations and local languages. Ted circles and conversations are essential as ·
All ideas matter, more ideas matter more
Energetic implementation of ideas
Listening to others’ views and reflection
Monitoring actions for change
Passion leads to performance
Sharing success inspires others
Rabbi Ezekiel Issac Malekar, Honorary Secretary of Judah Hyam, shared soulful anecdotes. "Trees boost my immunity power and they have become my role models," he said. He asserted the need for Eco-Spirituality- a connection between religion and environment. The participants were enlightened by the beautiful ideas that were presented at Ted Talk by Prince William.
Dr Evan Whitehead, a thought leader and philosopher from the US, shared his experience and touched everyone with his beautiful words - “Mindful interaction with nature bounces with soulful intensity”. He talked about the need to have self-awareness and social awareness coupled with gratitude and understanding of our role in saving nature.
Deepanshu, a youth leader and student of Ahlcon Public School, reminded the audience to end the greed and exploitation of nature. For a sustainable future, we must invest in the protection and care of the mother earth, he said. Ayush Chopra, a youth leader from Canada, spoke of his sustainability initiatives. He and his friends approached a MacDonald's store and urged them to replace plastic bags with paper bags instead.
Yug Gupta, a tenth class student and his brother Tanmay Gupta started the 'Together We Can Youth Foundation', which focuses on social and environmental initiatives. As a part of their Sustainability Calendar, they have commenced- Plantation Drive involving gifting of saplings, A Reuse Reform Project where they collect unused papers and notebooks and distribute them to needy students in the neighbourhood schools and Waste Segregation Drive.
Ananya Kamboj, a 'Youngest Sports Journalist' for the 'Football for Friendship' Programme, was invited to speak at the UN. She promotes Monday Cycling in tri-cities where people from different fields come together for clean air. She also takes up weekly Plantation Dive in her locality.
Mr Bhavesh, a climate reality leader and Mr Rajendra Prasad, a school principal, emphasized the importance of Eco-Consciousness, development based on Ecology and the need for Nature Stock exchange to gauge the growth index. Dr Deepak Bhisht, Principal, Ahlcon Public School, suggested that since energy flows where attention goes, our focus should undoubtedly be on nature.
Mr Sanjay Yadav, Principal Ahlcon International School, concluded the discussion by motivating everyone to take utmost care of nature as we get all nourishment from her.
Event Date : 8 November 2020
Event Name : Sustainable Diwali
Event Host/Organizer : Ahlcon International School
Event Type : Educational Event
Brief Summary : Colleagues at Ahlcon International school came up with a brilliant idea about celebrating Diwali, sustainably. Parodying 17 Sustainable Developmental Goals, SDGs, they coined the phrase Sustainable Diwali Goals. Everyone in our community is encouraged to pledge one Sustainable Diwali Goal. Many innovative ideas are pouring in from ensuring a safe and noiseless Diwali to promising the education of a girl child. Taking a leaf from the pioneering initiative, I am listing 17 Sustainable Diwali Goals.
Solemnness is beautiful. Why be flashy about it? Keep it a simple Diwali.
This Diwali is more about virtual than in person.
Supporting artisans, Diya makers is not a tall order. Please watch the video. above.
Transfer a substantial/small part of the Diwali expenditure to the needy.
Performing at least one act of #Kindness will add honey to the celebrations.
Planting a tree/ possessing an additional indoor plant will make a lasting difference.
Trees are healing in nature. In South Korea, children with aggression and bullying streak ride a forest bound Happy Train. They come back calmer and friendlier.
Connecting a long-forgotten friend will enliven Diwali celebrations.
Connecting with a forgotten teacher/mentor/influencer will fill you with gratitude.
Learning a new skill will help you prepare for the future.
Pick a book a day after Diwali and read it. Make notes.
Explain what carbon footprint is to the kids in a kid-friendly manner.
Catch up with a carbon footprint calculator and introspect.
Set an example to your kids by reducing waste, consumption.
Declutter your home/surrounding this Diwali- way to minimalism.
Renew your commitment to 17 SDGs.
Remember, Diwali is a pious, auspicious occasion. Our affirmative actions have a positive impact on our health, happiness and prosperity.
Event Date :Oct 11, 2020
Event Name : 24 Hours of Reality- Countdown To The Future
Event Attendance : 2000-4000
Event Type : Educational Event
Brief Summary : On October 11, 2020, people from across the globe, students, teachers, parents, climate activists, members of civil society delved into the depth of the need of the hour; Changing the 'Climate Change'. The presentation, was one of the 1500 such presentations across the globe during '24 Hours of Reality', a global event organised on October, 11.
The scientific perspective gave the audience a sense of hope. It empowered participants to believe that, together, we can and will make a change The presentation concluded with the message that Climate Change is a threat to health, economy, peace and Sustainability. The time has come to raise our voice, and “Speak Truth to Power”.
Link of the Live webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RQPZZ1VwpM&t=1713s
Event Date : 29 Oct, 2020
Event Name : Dragonfly Awareness: A Green Signal to Conversation
Event Attendance :500
Event Type : Webinar / Conference Call
Brief Summary : One of the most cherishing experiences is the flight back to your childhood. Dragonflies and Damselflies rarely spotted these days were our important playmates. Their anatomy, enticing colours, skilled manoeuvres, untiring sorties were a fascinating sight. That was when lived in a village surrounded by water bodies with rich cultivation of water chestnut and amaranthus. The WWF India team brought these memories back through their impressive presentation attended by over three hundred enthusiastic students. Both as predators and prey in the food cycle, dragonflies, play a crucial role. An important bio-indicators, dragonflies, sadly are on the verge of extinction. Young children came to know how these beautiful insects, sometimes as small as 15 mm act as climate sanitisers. It is possible to create habitations for them, tend them and welcome them back in the ecosystem, enhancing the #SDG progress index for Goals 13, 14 and 15. Love you helicopter insects and apologies for committing some atrocities as a child, purely out of ignorance. #WWF #Climate Reality India #Dragonflies Festival #Ahlconintl #AhlconPublic #SDGs
Link: https://youtu.be/1C6IxHM-spk
Event Date :09/25/2020
Event Name : SDG Fest 2020 - Mega Marathon
Event Attendance :1000-5000
Event Type : Educational Event
Brief Summary : 25th September, 2020 is a Red-Letter day in the calendar of the United Nations as it marks completion of 5 wonderful years of working tirelessly for reaching the SDG Goals across the world. Ahlcon International School celebrated the completion of 4 years of adoption of SDGs. School has engaged in this field by successfully integrating the SDGs into its teaching learning process in education . As an endeavour to come together to make SDGs a reality SDG Mega Marathon has been initiated based on the agenda-‘How COVID -19 can be the great reset toward global sustainability?’ Let’s collaborate for the thought , ‘ Together We Can And We Will’
Link of the Live webinar : 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmfB_IQTliA
Event Date :03 May, 2020
Event Name : The Climate Reality - "Youth For Earth"
Event Host/Organizer : Earthdaynetwork, Mobius Foundation, Climate Reality Project India
Event Type :Educational Event
Brief Summary : To honour the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and the younger generation who is doing so much to mitigate the several environmental problems the world faces today, The Climate Reality Project India, Earth Day Network and Mobius Foundation has invited young change-makers to show the world it’s time to act. ‘Youth for Earth’ looks to those change-makers who have brought about a betterment of the environment in their campuses or community by and made their surroundings, cleaner, greener, and less polluted.
Event Date :21 Nov, 2019
Event Attendance : 100
Event Type : Climate Reality Leader Meeting
Brief Summary :24 HOURS OF REALITY- CLIMATE CRISIS On 21st of November,2019, students and teachers of Ahlcon International School along with Ahlcon Public School delved into the depth of the need of the hour; ‘Climate Change’. Dr Ashok Kumar Pandey, Director, Ahlcon group of schools and being one of the climate reality leaders, gave a presentation on ‘24 Hours of Reality’, a global event being organized in over 80 countries, involving around 20,000 representatives from around the world. The programme is initiated by Former US Vice President Al Gore, Founder and Chairman @The Climate Reality Project. The theme revolved around how the active citizens of the world, can bring about a change through one’s conviction of words and realization. The data was shared about how different sectors are responsible for the overall global warming pollution. Apart from this, Dr Pandey gave a reality check on the various initiatives being taken in the fields of renewable energy. The presentation concluded with the message that the time has come to raise our voice, put a step forward and to “Speak Truth to Power”.
Details of event where acted as mentor.
Date of Action :07/18/2020
Activity :Mentored/Assisted Climate Leaders
Brief Summary : Global Training July 2020 - (July 18 - 26, 2020) I have completed my Climate Reality Training in 2015 in Delhi. I am very dedicated to climate education. I have included all the SDGs in my school curriculum. I am lucky to be part of the 500 mentors who were involved in the training of 10,000 of strong prospective climate reality leaders.
Details of events participated as speaker
Event Name : Jal Pratigya Divas (Water Pledge)
Event Host/Organizer :Jal Shakti Ministry
Event Type :Media Event
Brief Summary : Pledging to conserve water and mobilizing people to do the same. 300 Teachers, 6000 Students plus public at large also joined to pledge water conservation.
1. Al Gore, Former Vice President of US on Mission Paani |
2. Ashok K. Pandey, National Coordinator, Climate Education - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2782320658700855
3. Mission Pani - Jal Pratigya- https://youtu.be/Rs-IFhwxd9A
Event Name : Education for Justice Global Dialogue
Event Host/Organizer : UNODC/UNESCO
Event Type : Virtual Event
Brief Summary : On Dec 4 UNODC/UNESCO hosted a high-level concluding session as part of their week-long Education for Justice Global Dialogue. During the 60-minute conversation, representatives from India, South Sudan, Lebanon, International Association of Universities (IAU) and UNODC HQ shared a wealth of ideas about learning losses, learning discontinuity, social justice in education and the rule of law necessitated by the pandemic. Discussions were anchored in experiences of the past nine months and also the inequality existing in our society for long. The opportunity to participate in the discussion made me reflect on the lessons learnt, challenges, insights and steps required to mitigate the situation.